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Personal Effects - E.M. Kokie Go out and buy this book now! Reading this broke my heart a million times, but it changed me too. It’s profound on so many levels, managing to tackle many important topics, all while delivering a page- turner that will make you laugh, cringe, squirm, and cry. Yes, you’ll definitely cry. Multiple times. But Matt will stay with you. His voice is so real and authentic, I have a feeling I’ll be hearing him for some time to come.
Sanctum - Sarah Fine I was lucky enough to read an early version of Sanctum and loved it from the very first time I met Lela and Malachi. Sarah Fine has imagined an amazing and unique world with characters you will be willing to travel to hell and back for. Do not miss this book!

Larkstorm (The Sensitives, #1)

Larkstorm (The Sensitives, #1) - Dawn Rae Miller This is a really amazing book, a must read for any fantasy, dystopian or romance fans. You will instantly fall in love with Lark and Beck and you'll read late into the night to figure out what is going to happen and how it's all going to be okay. And the ending, oh, the ending will leave you nearly weeping and wanting more. Can't wait for the next book in the series!
Another Little Piece of My Heart - Tracey   Martin Amazing book! Review to come.:)
Sisters In Love (Snow Sisters, Book One: Love in Bloom Series) (Volume 1) - Melissa Foster This was a fun and sweet contemporary romance. It had complexities in the subplots and side stories/characters that made this a strong and emotionally fulfilling book. I cheered for Michelle's story, and Rusty's, right along with the main characters growth and romance. Looking forward to book 2!
Rape Girl - Alina Klein Rape Girl is an incredible emotional journey of what it means to endure, survive, and stand up for yourself in spite of the pain it brings. Rape Girl is compulsively readable and very much a one-sitting read. While reading, I was so immersed in Valerie’s world that I didn’t close the book until the last page at which point I blinked a few times, realized I was back in reality and then sat back and thought about what it meant to be Valerie. I was left with feelings of outrage, sadness, anger, empowerment, and, in the end, uplifted as well. Rape Girl isn’t just a great story that tackles some important issues, it’s a story every teen should read – boys and girls alike. Get your copy now – trust me, you won’t regret it!

Charm & Strange - Stephanie Kuehn Simply amazing. This book is a wild ride through dark and disturbing places, yet told in such a sympathetic and honest way that the reader feels they've literally been by Win's side through his entire ordeal. Definitely a book that will stay with readers a long time. Incredible.
Impostor - Susanne Winnacker Amazing and un-put-downable!!! I simply cannot wait for the next book!:)
Game. Set. Match. - Jennifer Iacopelli I loved GAME SET MATCH! I am not a sports fan - AT ALL, but this book was amazing. I loved all the different voices. I bounced between routing for one girl and the other, and the boys were awesome too. The romance elements were great. Fun, and sweet and sexy! A super fast read. I think I read it in two sittings. I highly recommend!:)
MILA 2.0 - Debra Driza How do I love Mila? Let me count the ways!

This book is amazing. It's got action, adventure, an amazingly kick-ass heroine, a mysterious backstory, twists and turns at seemingly every chapter, and sweet romantic elements. It's seriously a non stop page turner pumping with adreneline. I just loved seeing the world through MILA's eyes, right down to her android functionality, which was presented in a super cool way. Such a great book. Cannot WAIT for book 2!
Fragile - Chris Katsaropoulos This book was wonderful - experimental in structure, and beautifully crafted. It's a story of human nature and intricacies and of how we all fit together, when we're broken, and when we're whole. Fragile made me think and consider many things, the characters lingering even after I finished reading.
Indian Summer - Tracy Richardson This is a wonderful summer read for young readers (or adults!). I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's a story with many layers that will leave kids thinking well after they close the last page.:)